You probably knew this already, but…evolution continues!
It continues to happen, all throughout the world, amid the vast numbers of species sharing this little green dot with us.
Here’s just one example of such. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
We’ve used a lot of antibiotics since their invention in 1928. (Yep, they aren’t even 100 years old.) In that time, many bacterial strains have adapted to its effect. Essentially, they evolved themselves through many generations to resist antibiotic destruction.
MRSA is one instance of this happening:
Does this process include humans though? Can humans continue to evolve?
Well, why not? We adapt ourselves to changing environments, individually speaking, all the time. Diet, habitat, weather, working in specialized conditions, traffic…all combine to influence human genes.
Mutation does occur, up to the present day. (Not really X-Men level, alas, but it does happen!)
The only question would be, what will humanity change next?
Scientists love to speculate on this sort of thing. I am thereby a scientist, because I do too. Pen my name into the Eternal Record of Scientists…I decree it!
As such, I can think of several possible evolutionary changes humans could undergo:
- Growing a new organ (for processing out microplastics, enhancing digestion, etc.)
- New limbs
- Changes to current limbs
- Sense changes
- Height changes (by region or function – think dwarves for mining)

(For once, AI screwing up hands is useful!)
So let’s consider. What would be the most likely evolutionary change to occur next?
The Two Most Likely Evolutionary Changes – Coming Soon (Maybe)!
I think it’s a toss-up. Either a second eyelid, or an elongated thumb.
Why? The same causes for either – Artificial light and phones.
These are commonplace now, taken for granted, around us all the time. Artificial light is often harsh to the eye, especially in specialized environments like labs and underground facilities. Having additional protection for the eye becomes a good thing.
As for longer thumbs…phones are, well, phones. Everybody spends time typing/tapping on them, using our fingers in ways we didn’t necessarily evolve to. But given the flexibility of our simian cousins’ hands, we do have the genetic potential.
Either change is relatively simple to effect. For longer thumbs, all you need is slightly more bone mass in the hands during gestation.
For a new eyelid, growing a nictitating membrane in the eye. Humans used to have these waaaaay back, but evolved past their need. Until Steve Jobs came along, that is.

Such relatively small evolutions could appear in as quickly as a few generations. Since a generation is only 20 years, we would live to see the change!
Hmmm, maybe I should make a crypto for this. Peg its value to the bet between which of those happens first.
The Part of Evolution That’s Fun to Think About!
Let me finish off with an outside possibility. An evolutionary change I’d LIKE to have myself…a prehensile tail.
Think of how handy that would be – extra help in the kitchen, new ways to climb, you get an extra attack on your combat stats. Endless enjoyment!
Alas, I don’t see this happening without the aid of successful mad scientists.

What kind of evolutionary change would you like to see?