Hi, I’m Chris, The Wrong Writer.
Here for some enjoyable reads? You’re in the ‘Wrong’ place.

My writing is most enjoyable…but fair warning, it’s not normal. Why? Well, I’m not normal. I have in my 45 years (to date)…
- Seriously considered founding a religion centered on Krampus
- Conceived an entire universe while in the throes of heatstroke. They never let me back into that sauna.
- Somehow built a career in Silicon Valley while dual-wielding an English degree and computer smarts.
What should you expect from my books then?
- Dollops of sarcasm
- Random hey-wait-a-minute epiphanies
- Curious plots with curiouser characters
- The unnerving terror from approaching ‘The End’
- Sadistic grins from reading richly-deserved comeuppances
- And several hours of genuine, guilt-free, zero-calorie reading enjoyment.
What kind of books I like to write:
Books that are easy to read. Books that take a fresh angle as early as possible. Books that pepper in some humor, even in the midst of horror. Books with characters people love/hate/love to hate. Stories as original as possible. Stories that demonstrate creativity (and exercise my own).
[I’m a very cerebral person. I write technical documentation for fun. Since fiction is one of the most demanding creative exercises out there…perfect!]

Author Newsletter – “The Wrong Message”
An author’s newsletter which produces genuine thought. And involuntary snorts.
Blog of Hilarious Wrongness
(+2 to Wisdom if You Read All the Way Without Laughing)
Articles on writing (wrongly), juicy background details for my stories, philosophical ponderences, aww-inducing anecdotes, and book snippets for unashamedly hooking more readers.
- The City of HauntThe bats told me someone was coming up the road. They always sound the first alarm, with their little chits and clicks. From my position atop the border wall, looking out on a green living world, it always makes me smile. Because it means someone’s trying to brave Haunt. We…
- The Origin of the ThiefHe slips in a window. Silent. Calm. The room around him is full of bookshelves and display cases, showing awards, trophies, and such shiny regalia. But he ignores those. Moving across the floor with barely a whisper, he comes to his target. A small locked box hidden in a corner.…
- The Next Human Evolutionary ChangeYou probably knew this already, but…evolution continues! It continues to happen, all throughout the world, amid the vast numbers of species sharing this little green dot with us. Here’s just one example of such. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria. We’ve used a lot of antibiotics since their invention in 1928. (Yep, they aren’t…
Contact The Wrong Writer
Question on my stories? Having the slightest hiccup on ordering a book? Please contact me so I can help out.