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“What’s wrong with you?”

A friend asked me this after reading one of my short stories.

Now, this friend had known me for years prior. It’s not like he had no idea what kind of person I was. But until then, he didn’t have very much idea what kind of *writer* I was.

The question was meant in jest. Mostly. I think. But it stuck with me either way. Not just because I almost fell out of my chair laughing afterward, but also because it was true.

Wrong with me? Oh, a great many things. By one definition I’m patently insane. By others I’m a philosopher. And by a few others I’m probably as wacky as a dizzy weasel.

This is why I decided, when puzzling over how to identify myself as an author, I came up with “The Wrong Writer.” My works are silly, technical, outrageous, unsettling, goofy, mind-bending…and of course, wrong.

Wrong in the sense of writing something that doesn’t always make sense. Wrong in the sense of stepping around (or over) fiction genre borderlines now & then. Wrong in the sense of sarcastic mysteries, made-you-think-without-realizing-it science fiction, and weird horror that either makes you grimace or makes you an insomniac.

…no, they won’t eat you. Not at night anyway…

It’s fun to be wrong.

Join me in wrongness! Enjoy my writing here, in your Kindles and Nooks and phones. Subscribe to “The Wrong Message” on the right. And be prepared.

(By the way, the story that started it all is on DeviantArt: “The Arms That Howl”)

Published inMusingsWrongness