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Announcing: “The Lie Among Many” Mystery Novel is Published

I am happy to announce my first novel is now published on Amazon!

Say hello to…

“The Lie Among Many”

-An Inspector Locke Mystery


A Murder Mystery with a Sharp-Brained Main Character

What’s this about, you may wonder?

Here, have an introduction:

In, “The Lie Among Many,” Trevor Locke is a medically-retired FBI agent living a quiet, routine, boring life. Until his friend’s brother turns up on a lonely stretch of road with a bullet in his head. While helping with arrangements, Trevor finds out two important things: One, the victim moved several times throughout Silicon Valley in the past year. Two, the police department doesn’t care.

Taking on the task of uncovering what happened, Trevor has to rely on practised observational skills, a little human psychology, and a lot of stubbornness. He runs into likely suspects, unlikely suspects, police obstruction, and a trained killer. What he finds out is that there isn’t just one lie tangled in the victim’s past…there are several. And he has to unravel them all.

Who’ll Enjoy This Book the Most?

Are you the right kind of reader? You are if you like a bit of humor in their mystery story. The sarcasm is strong with this one.

This is the first in the “Inspector Locke” book series. But not the only one. No no…I have not one, but FOUR more titles sketched out.

How to Buy and Read the Book

It’s only 2.99 on Amazon. Here’s the page link:

Hop on over and pick up your copy!

Please leave a review too; the more I get, the more people will enjoy “The Lie Among Many.”

What’s Next for Inspector Locke?

I’ll spend a little time & money promoting TLAM in 2018. But more importantly, I have more writing to do!

In 2018 I plan to:

  1. Complete 1 more horror short story
  2. Publish an already-completed horror short story
  3. Write & publish the next Inspector Locke book

That’s where you come in.

These are the titles sketched out already. Which do you like the most?

  1. The Man with the Silver Cane
  2. The Experiment Station
  3. The Porphyric
  4. The 4 Sterling Clasps

Please comment with your favorite! (I also plan to put up a Facebook page soon, if you prefer hanging out there.)

The winner will be the next “Inspector Locke” novel.

Once again, the Amazon Page URL for “The Lie Among Many”

I will have more stories, here and on Amazon, coming up. You’ll have ample opportunity to enjoy the wrongness.

Published inFiction Writing