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Status Update: “The Viscount of 2213”

It’s time for monster-overrun, dystopian Wrongness!

You may have seen my announcement on Facebook. Yes, “The Viscount of 2213” is coming. A nice, relaxing stroll through OHGODITSGONNAEATME Land.

Whether you’ve been waiting patiently, or just saw the Facebook post and felt drawn over this way, welcome! Let me share something more with you: the full cover.

The Viscount of 2213 Cover Image

We have three humans surrounded by mysterious creatures, and a haunting figure looming over all of them. Who are these people? What the hell are those monsters?!

You’ll have to read the book to find out…

The artwork is phenomenal (as I’m sure you’d agree). I commissioned an excellent sci-fi artist and good friend of mine, Paul Marquis, to create this cover art. Lucky for me, he loves doing science fiction artwork!

You can find his work at


As you read this, robots are pushing pixels into place for pre-order status. The novel will be released on June 22, this coming Saturday, on Amazon Kindle.

Here’s the Kindle pre-order link:

This is my second published book, but first sci-fi novel. As such I’m trying some new things. New type of cover, new promo efforts…and new distribution. I’m publishing on Amazon Kindle, and on Smashwords.

This is my first time using Smashwords to publish. Doing so allows for sales on Apple Books, Kobo, and even libraries. I’m admittedly quite curious to see how it all shakes out!

The preorder page for Smashwords is at:

Check back here soon—I’ll have a little pre-sale treat for you!

(In the meantime, perhaps a share or two of this link wouldn’t hurt? Surely you must know one other person who likes their sci-fi with a heaping dose of monsters…)

Published inFiction WritingWrongness