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A Special Spring Surprise (With a Bonus Tongue-Twister Title!)

Yes, it’s true. I have a special surprise today, for you, my readers. No, it doesn’t involve trapdoors or exploding boxes. (If anyone knows where I can get those in bulk though…)

I like to think people enjoy my books. Reviews tend to back that up, overall. If you have left a review, much appreciated! If not, well, it takes 2 minutes and really does help me out. Imagine a tiny puppy giving you the “please share food” eyes right now.

That said, there is one thing I am NOT…and that is a designer. I’m terrible at any form of design. Seriously. I offend higher life forms when I try.

Just imagine Odin’s lip curling like bacon in a pan. Whole forests crushed by Asgardian spittle spewed out at the mere notion of viewing such atrocities. That’s how bad my “designs” are.

So when it comes to book covers, I don’t even try making them myself. I hire designers.

That’s what I did some weeks ago. I hired a designer to create all-new book covers, for both of my Inspector Locke mystery novels. I wanted a consistent style that would connect the whole series together. The first book, the second, and any/all future books.

Well, last week, while working on this newsletter no less, I received both of the new covers. They’re not live on Amazon yet. You get to see them first.

Behold…the all-new Inspector Locke novel covers!

The Lie Among Many - New 2021 Cover

The Man with the Silver Cane - New 2021 Cover


My immediate reaction to seeing them was to sputter out a handful of unintelligible syllables. They were meant to express amazement at the quality, but wound up summoning a minor demon. Who was in the shower at the time. That took a little negotiation to resolve…

Anyway, the designer had followed my instructions to a T, and brought about book covers with the gravity of the stories they represent.

They even included a fun little magnifying glass. Inspector Locke would glower at you for even insinuating he’d use one. But it’s still fun, so it stays.

Now, the most important questions…

What do YOU think of the new covers?

Those of you who did read “The Lie Among Many” and/or “The Man with the Silver Cane” – does this help visualize the titular character? Does it sync with your perceptions of the story?

Those of you who haven’t read either book yet – does this cover make the stories more appealing? Do they paint a better picture of the story?

In case it’s not clear, this is a “feedback sought” request. The comment box beckons below.

That’s it for today! Spring has sprung. Go forth and frolic in the wilds of Nature. Then come home sneezing from all the allergens and curse whomever told you to go out. Oh wait, that was me. Well, it wouldn’t be the first curse hurled upon me…but that’s a story for another time.

Published inFiction WritingNewsletter Archive