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Category: Musings

The Wrong Turns on the Way to Christmas

The Ancient Traditions that Somehow Combined (Voltron-Style) into Modern-Day Christmas Few things are more hilarious than misinterpretation. And you know one thing we love to misinterpret? The holidays! Christmas wasn’t always a giant commercial-fest loaded with toys, high-powered lights, and furious sale-hunting. It’s only the latest incarnation of a long,…

The Negative Ending: Thoughts on the Defining Point of Horror Fiction

What is the horror genre known for? Tropes like: Good guys don’t always win. In fact they rarely do more than survive. Survival/Escape is enough. Someone dies, or goes mad. The monster is still out there. A truth discovered is too dark/horrible to accept. In fictional terms, what are all…

On Becoming a Published Author (Some Wrong Musings)

They say becoming an author is a powerful step in one’s life. The transition from writer to author retains all these magical connotations in history and literature. Greater self-respect. Confidence in one’s work. The drive to write more! Muses appear from behind every building, coughing out smog and bellowing uncouth…